
Baten kaitos 100
Baten kaitos 100

baten kaitos 100

The guy starts off with a first impression that would make Luke from Tales of the Abyss look nice and i know a friend of mine said "his name is Kalas because he's callous". Kalas is one of the better Monolith Soft protags (but since i only have Xeno protags to compare him to, i'm gonna avoid ranking him for now). Still though, the writing does work for the most part. Now it seems that the game was mainly written by Tri-Crescendo and not Monolith Soft, which does explain some things. On the narrative side of the game, it's decent but i'd say the faults here are bigger than what you'd find in Xeno. Still though, the game is fun when you actually get to play it and i can say instances of not being able to do anything happened less often than instances where i do get to do things. Not being able to attack is worse because using a non-attack card ends your turn whereas with defending, you can at least burn through some cards until you find a defense one. There's no way to shuffle unless your cards run out so i definitely had turns where i literally could not do anything. However, the battle system becomes frustrating when you're current hand is all attack cards when you need to defend or all defend cards when you need to attack. Playing your cards right to deal maximum damage or guard perfectly is pretty addicting and i liked seeing big numbers when attacking and small numbers when defending. And as i played the game, i felt that the battle system is overall pretty fun when it wants to be but also pretty frustrating at other times. But this was a Monolith Soft game after all so through the power of bias, i decided to give it an honest shot.

baten kaitos 100 baten kaitos 100

I had never actually played a card-based RPG before, mainly because i felt i wouldn't vibe with it. To start things off, the game is a card-based RPG. And while the game can be rough, it was overall a fun enough experience to where i can say i liked it. But i wanted to see what else Monolith Soft had on their resume so i decided to check out Baten Kaitos, one of the company's few non-Xeno titles. Or rather, the only original games i've played from them were the Xeno games, because i have played other games that had Monolith Soft involvement. I've been a fan of Monolith Soft for a long time but despite all that time, the only games i've ever played from them was the Xeno series. I have files with the same name, but different size.

baten kaitos 100

HOWEVER - the Cutting Room Floor wiki has an entry on Baten Kaitos Origins - and it lists a bunch of cut content from the discs, including sound files. (I couldn't play any of what it identified as mp3s for instance) I tried DROID and TrID, but DROID recognized nothing and TrID only recognized about 300 files, and I'm not sure correctly. Everyone told him to look at the files in a HEX editor and determine their extensions from there. I found a thread called "NEED BIG HELP!" (would post a link, but can't yet) on VG Resource, where Huskyfish14 was trying to get models from the game. So I googled to see if anyone's done anything with it before. However, they are all plain files with no extension:


iso.īy using DAT Texture Wizard, I could indeed export the files (the software could not read any of the files as textures though). I could dump textures through Dolphin and then do a texture pack, but I thought I'd see if I could take them straight from the. So for no good reason, I decided to try and make a texture pack for this game.

Baten kaitos 100